
Raising Chickens on Pasture vs. Deep Litter

If there’s one thing I wish we’d paid more attention to in our early years of raising chickens, it’s manure management. It may not sound glamorous, but the way you handle chicken manure has a profound influence on your flock’s health, productivity, and the overall sustainability of your homestead.  After all, chicken droppings are more than … Read more

Why You Should Stop Raising Cornish Cross Chickens for Meat

Cornish Cross chickens are one of the most popular breeds to raise for meat. That’s true for commercial chicken production but also for small homesteads. Considering their apparent advantages — such as rapid growth and incredible feed conversion ratio — I understand how the title of this article may ruffle some feathers (pun intended).  But … Read more

Pros and Cons of Raising Leghorns For Eggs

Leghorns are some of the best egg-laying chickens available, and they’re adaptable to almost any climate. But there are also a few downsides to keep in mind if you’re considering adding them to your flock.